Things I’ve realised

1) I have been reading Kafka On The Shore on the train rides to and from work. Sometimes the protagonist talks about masturbating and getting hard-ons and although I’m 99% sure no one is sneakily reading over my shoulder and imposing one hell of a judgement, I still feel really self-conscious.

2) Whenever I read descriptions of houses, apartments, duplexes or any form of living quarters, I semiconsciously envisualise my previous homes. Just say, there’s a description of a quality two bedroom unit, lavishly furnished with art deco furniture. I mentally see our crummy two bedroom apartment in Meadowbank with some chairs and mantelpieces shoved carelessly about. I even keep the original mossy green carpet. Same applies to the duplex in Carlingford and the current house in Eastwood. Even if I’m reading about a lounge room in an amazing quadriple storey, nouveau mansion on Mars, I still imagine my own lounge.

3) Sometimes food falls out of my mouth when I open it to stuff more food inside.

4) Raw avocado’s (eg. in a salad) tastes heaps better than warmish, semi-cooked avocado’s (eg. in toasted sandwiches). But I suppose that’s a subjective matter.

5) I sometimes do not think 1 million dollars is a lot of money.

Do you feel this way too?

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One response to “Things I’ve realised

  1. claire

    kafka on the shore is my favourite murakami :D
    i’m reading his short stories in japanese (well, trying) ^^

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